Aketajawe Lolobata National Park - Attractions in East Halmahera

Aketajawe Lolobata National Park - Attractions in East Halmahera

Aketajawe Lolobata National Park has a variety of flora and fauna that attract the interest of researchers to visit. Aketajawe Lolobata Park is located between East Halmahera and Central Halmahera, North Maluku province. For adventure lovers, of course, this national park is very interesting. One of the most interesting thing is the existance of Burung Bidadari (Wallace's Standardwing), which is rare, beautiful, unique and also good at dancing. Standardwing has very captivating colorful wings. 

Aketajawe Lolobata National Park was inaugurated on October 18, 2004 which covers 167,300 hectares or about 9% of Halmahera Island. This national park office is located in North Maluku Provincial Government Office area in Sofifi. You can search for information in advance in the office before you explore the national park. The national park is divided into two regional blocks: Aketajawe Block (77,100 hectares) and Lolobata Blocks (90,200 hectares).

Aketajawe Lolobata National Park - Attractions in East Halmahera
Source: Foto Petualang Adita di Taman Nasional Aketajawe Lolobata (Detik.com)

A variety of flora and fauna that can be found in this national park:

1. The types of village birds, such as bondol or munia (Lonchura spp.), honey-eaters (Nectarinia spp.), willie wagtail (Rhypidura leucophris), spotted dove (Streptopelia chinensis), and so on.

2. In river area, you can found a variety of fish, shrimp, shellfish, and so on. 

3. The types of plants or vegetation that you can find are damar or amboina pitch tree (Agathis sp.), Sumatra pine (Casuarina sumatrana), bintangur or Indian laurel (Calophyllum inophyllum), kayu bugis (Koordersiodendron pinnatum), benuang (Octomeles sumatrana), nyatoh (Palaquium obtusifolium), Anthocephalus chinensis, Duabanga moluccana and Piper aduncum as well as several types of walnuts (Canarium spp.). There are also various types of orchids found in this park, as well as the types of Kantung Semar or Tropical Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes sp.) in the highland area.

4. It is estimated that there are at least 33 species of mammals in this park which includes the types of cuscus (such as Molluccan cuscus [Phalanger ornatus]), Papuan sugar glider (Petaurus papuanus breviceps), a variety of bats (Order: Chiroptera), weasels (Viviridae), wild boar (Sus schrofa), deer (Cervus timorensis), and some kind of rat (Muridae). Of these 33 species, six of them are endemic to North Maluku (one of them is cuscus: Phalanger sp. endemic to Halmahera). There are also two species which endemic to Maluku and North Maluku.

5. The survey by Burung Indonesia, shows there are at least 104 species (39 familia) of birds in this park. Twenty-five species of them are endemic to North Maluku, including four species which endemic to Halmahera Island, such as mandar gendang (Habroptila wallacii), cekakak murung (Todiramphus fenubris), kepudang-sungu halmahera (Coracina parvula), and kepudang halmahera (Oriolus phaeocromus). Other bird species are quite interesting, like an Wallace's Standardwing (Semioptera wallacii), white cockatoo (Cacatua alba), kasturi ternate (Lorius garrulus), paok halmahera (Pitta maxima), julang irian (Aceros plicatus), gosong kelam (Megapodius Freycinet), pergam (Ducula spp.), walik (Ptilinopus spp.), and so on.

Five of the 104 species are endemic sub-species of Halmahera Island, such as nuri-raja ambon (Alisterus amboinensis hypophonius), cekakak-pita biasa (Tanysiptera galatea browningi), kehicap tengkuk-putih (Monarcha pileatus pileatus), Halmahera Standardwing (Semioptera wallacii halmaherae), and kacamata halmahera (Zosterops atriceps fuscifrons).

From those 104 species, 23 of them are protected by Indonesian Government, such as elang tiram (Pandion haliaetus), elang bondol (Haliastur indus), junai mas (Caloenas nicobarica), nuri bayan (Eclectus roratus), raja-udang biru-langit (Alcedo azurea), bidadari halmahera, gagak cendrawasih (Lycocorax pyrrhopterus), and so on. 

6. It is estimated that there are at least 53 species of reptiles in this region. Some of them are newts (Hidrosaurus amboinensis), monitor lizard or soa-soa (Varanus indicus), leaf lizard (Emoia Sorex), giant lizard (Tiliqua gigas), batik python (Python reticulatus), black snake (Stegonotus batjanensis), and estimated some estuarine crocodiles (Crocodilus porosus). Of these 53 types, eight of them are endemic to North Maluku, including one endemic species to Halmahera Island, which is a type of snakes Tropidonophis punctiventris.

7. It is estimated that there are 17 species of amphibians in this area. Some of them are kind of common green tree frogs Litoria infrafrenata, common river frog Rana papuaatau, dwarf frogs (Microhylidae) as the type of Oreophryne frontifasciata. Of these 17 types, five are endemic species of North Maluku, and four of them are endemic to Halmahera Island, named Callulops dubia, Cophixalus montanus, Hylophorbus boettgeri, and Hyla rueppelli.

Aketajawe Lolobata National Park is also a protection place of most endangered and rare birds globally by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources), which is mandar gendang, white cockatoo, kasturi ternate, cekakak murung, and black cikukua (Philemon fuscicapillus).


There are two ways to go to Aketajawe Lolobata National Park:
1. By speedboat from Subaim Village (Wasile) for about 30 minutes or by rental car from Subaim for about 1 hour.
2. By speedboat from Daru Village (South Tobelo) for about 40 minutes.

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