Nusliko Tourims Village - Central Halmahera Attractions

Nusliko Tourims Village - Central Halmahera Attractions

Nusliko Village offers exotic nature, unique culture and history, society, traditional arts, handicrafts, hospitality of the local people and life in lush, natural, and tranquil. This village is located on the south of Weda, the capital of Central Halmahera regencyNorth Maluku province.

Telaga (Lake) Nusliko

Local people call this place as "Telaga Nusliko" because it is located in Nusliko Village. The uniqueness of this lake is that it has saltwater instead of freshwater because the lake is a part of Weda bay. However, this lake protrudes in so far and surrounded by hills so the form looks like a lake. In this lake, traditional fishermen usually catch fish by fishing rod or spear. 

Nusliko Tourims Village - Central Halmahera Attractions
Sumber: Agus Nur Nochmad

Boat Tour
Nusliko Tourism Village provides tourist boats, loaded with a maximum of three people with an attractive design and comfortable for visitors. In addition, this facility is also intended for visitors who want to go fishing, snorkeling or just boating on Lake Nusliko area.

Nusliko Tourims Village - Central Halmahera Attractions

Rumah Makan Terapung (Floating Restaurant)
For visitors who want to enjoy the culinary in Nusliko Tourism Village, there is a floating restaurant, with simple and convenient design. The floating restaurant is located above crystal clear sea, with cool sea breeze and the charm of Weda City, clearly visible from this floating restaurant. Most of the menu are seafoods, such as:
- Various types of fresh sea fish which can be selected directly from the floating cages.
- Mangrove crabs, squids and various kinds of sea shells that are still fresh.
- The typical culinary, like: Shellfish Satay (Sate Bia) & Sago Worms Satay (Sabeta).

Nusliko Tourims Village - Central Halmahera Attractions
Sate Sabeta which is popular in Halmahera

Arts & Handicraft
Traditional arts of Nusliko Village are Cakalele dance, Yanger music, and Togal Tobelo (not much different from Togal Makian). In addition, there are also souvenirs of woven handicrafts of pandan leaves and bamboo, mats of gaba-gaba leaf midrib, nyiru, vases, whiting boxes, placemat etc.

Nusliko Tourims Village - Central Halmahera Attractions

The distance between Nusliko Village to Weda is about 1.5 km with a travel time of about 20 minutes. Other attractions in Nusliko Village are: Nusliko beach, Nusliko Marine Park, Cape Silota, Pulau Anjing (Dog Island)  and Suanggi Island.

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