Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

Central Halmahera is located on Halmahera Island, which is the largest island in North Maluku province. The Capital City of Central Halmahera is Weda. This regency has 37 small islands which only two inhabited islands, that is Gebe Island and Yoi Island.

Central Halmahera is dominated by natural and maritime attractions, and also forests. The diversity and uniqueness of flora and fauna both at sea and forests become the advantages for its tourism. The charm of art and culture also make Central Halmahera become an attractive destination to visit.

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

Here are the top attractions in Central Halmahera regency:

1. Tepeleo Batu Dua
Tepeleo Batu Dua is located in Tepeleo Batu Dua Village, North Patani Sub-district. Batu Dua (two stones) is the symbol of Tepeleo, it is said that the stones are a ship which stranded on this island. Here you can enjoy the beauty of the seascape and the unique of Batu Dua. Also, the water in this beach is crystal clear, so it is perfect for snorkeling.

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

2. Pulau Sayafi (Sajafi Island)
Bucili Bay, Sayafi Island is located in North Patani Sub-district. If you are in Tepeleo Village, you can go to Sayafi Island by speedboat for about 50 minutes. You will be enchanted by white sand and crystal-clear sea in Sayafi beach. There are many coconut trees and firs in this island.

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)
Source: Twitter Maluku Utara & Mursalin

3. Luwo Island
Luwo Island which also called Liwo Island, neighbors with Sayafi Island. So if you are visiting Sayafi Island, you can also visit Liwo Island. The characteristics of this island is similar to Sayafi Island, although it is smaller.

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)
Source: Twitter Maluku Utara

4. Gebe Islands
Gebe Islands have an extraordinary beauty. The enchanting landscape, white sandy beach, and underwater panorama around the beach, cave, and waterfall, that is not inferior to Raja Ampat, make Gebe Islands is worth to visit. According to the research, the location of Gebe has a variety of fish species, reaching 300 types or more, compared to Raja Ampat which only has about 290 types. Gebe Island are adjacent to Raja Ampat  Islands, West Papua province. Read More >>

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

5. Nusliko Tourism Village
Nusliko Village offers exotic nature, unique culture and history, society, traditional arts, handicrafts, hospitality of the local people and life in lush, natural, and tranquil. Some attractions in this village are Nusliko brine pond, Nusliko beach, Nusliko marine park Cape Silota, Pulau Anjing (Dog Island) and Suanggi Island. Read More >>

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

6. Boki Moruru Cave 
Boki Moruru Cave is a unique natural attraction, yet beautiful, so this cave is frequently visited by traveles although the access to this place is not easy. However, during the trip to this cave, you will enjoy a beautiful scenery. No wonder foreign tourists often visit this place. Read More >>

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

7. Moor Island
Moor Island one of the attractions in Pattani District. Moor Island is uninhabited, however it has beautiful beach and lake. The island is also a paradise for the anglers. While traveling to this island, you will find the unique Batu Dua (Cape Manus). Read More >>

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

8. Telaga (Lake) Legaye Lol (Yonelo)
Lake Legaye Lol is also called as Yonelo. This lake is located in Sagea Village, on the foot of Legaye Lol Hill on the west of Sagea Village. Read More >>

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

9. Fagogoru Festival (Tifa)
Fagogoru has a meaning 'calling each other or saying each other' which is the motto of Central Halmahera regency. Fagogoru Festival presents local arts and culture, such as Parade Melbuet (Perahu Kora-kora Sangaji Weda, Patani, Gebe), Colossal Dance Soya Coka Iba, Kabata Bon Mayo, Traditional Music Fiol (Violin) and Tifa, The Replica of Topeng Coka Iba Raksasa, Colossal Dance Lala, and Kabata Lala. With this festival, tourists will know the art and culture of Central Halmahera other than its natural beauty.

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

10. Weda Resort

Weda Resort is the only resort in Central Halmahera which is visited by many foreign tourists. Weda Resort provides services for divers and birdwatchers. There are bungalows, made of local materials which creates paradise atmosphere. As for the restaurant is located in the center of the house which provides tasty food, fresh fruits, vegetables and meat, and especially seafoodTravelers who stay at the resort are directly contributed to the conservation of forests and coral reefs and the development of local communities in Sawai Itepo and Kobe Village. Read More >>

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

Other Attractions: 
* Bay Wolot Beachlocated in Sagea Village, about 56-57 km from the Capital of Central Halmahera. 

Cape Ngolo Popolocated in Patani Sub-district, about 118 km from the Capital of Central Halmahera. 

Moreala Waterfalllocated about 2 km from Weda. According to local residents, the waterfall is beautiful but it is closed because a number of kidnappings by the genie. Do not go there alone, and if you find any valuable objects do not take it.

Mtum Ya Island, is a small island which has a stretch of white sand with a length of 142 m and width of 67 meters. This island is located near Sagea Village, about 55 km from Weda. This island can be reach by sea transportation for about 25 minutes. This island is surrounded by unique and exotic coral reefs and colorful fish.

*Pasi Gurango, is a small coral island located about 1 km in front of  Sagea Village. It is very small and formed of dead coral mound with a diameter of approximately five meters. This coral mound is surrounded by shallow sea that has a stretch of coral reefs, approximately five hundred meters with colorful corals and charming marine life.

*Dua Island, is also has a stretch of coral reefs and beautiful marine life which is not inferior to Pasi Gurango. 

*Cape Ngolopopo, is located near Moor Island. 
*Yevi Island
*Sidanga Group of Islands
*Aketajawe Lolobata National Park, this park has an important role for 23 spesies of endemic birds, according to Birdlife International. This park has an area of 167,300 hectares and were declared as a national park in 2004. 
*Lake Lagailol, is located in Weda Village.
*Kuleyefo Island (Imam Island) & Dua Island, is a group of islands lined up in front of Pier Weda, about 500 m from the coast of Weda. In Imam Island there are cemeteries of the residents and the ancestors which are sacred by Weda people and the surroundings. 

Top 10 Attractions in CENTRAL HALMAHERA (North Maluku Province)

The typical food of Central Halmahera is similar to West Halmahera or Ternate.

Souvenirs in Central Halmahera is still limited. Most of them are handicraft made by the locals.

Accommodation with hotel-class in Central Halmahera is also limited. Most accommodation available are guest house. 

If you are from outside North Maluku, you can go to Central Halmahera by plane. There are two options of airports:
1. Kao Airport (KAZ), direct flights are only available via Manado. After that, you can go to Weda (the Capital City) by car. It will take about 4 hours.
2. Sultan Babullah Airport in Ternate, North Maluku province. Direct flights are available from Manado, Ambon, Jakarta, and Makassar.

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