17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera

Bacan Island is located in the southwest of Halmahera Island. Bacan Island has fresh air, lush forests and beautiful sea. The existence of Labuha town on the slopes of Mount Sibela and surrounded by sea is its own uniqueness. Labuha in Bacan Island is the capital city of South Halmahera, North Maluku province.

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera

Followings are some attractions in Bacan Island:

1. Kupal Beach
The beach is located in the sub-district of South Bacan. Besides swimming, Kupal beach is very suitable for you to enjoy the beauty of the landscape during the day with the background of mountains, blue sky and clear sea which can reflect the color of the sky. Sunset here also will make you enchanted with the beautiful color of the sky.
17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Ridhonacikit
2. Nusa Ra Beach
Nusa Ra beach is located on the island of Nusa Ra which is one of the small islands around Bacan Island. "Nusa" means "Land" and "Ra" means "Great". This island is devoted to tourism area. This beach is suitable for water play and snorkeling. You can hire speedboat from Port Labuha to this location for about 15 minutes.

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Herita Endriana & Lensa Lipu

3. Derbi Beach (Dermaga Biru or Blue Pier)
As the name implies, Dermaga Biru (Blue Pier) is dominated by blue paint. Blue Pier lies on Derbi Beach. There are restaurant and cottages in this small beach. Its tranquil water is safe for children to play. It is also suitable for snorkeling as well as the sea water here is clear. From this beach, you will see the island of Halmahera from afar. Read More >>

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Asandywijaya and Jejak Nusantara
4. The Sultanate of Bacan
Here you will see the beauty architecture of the Sultanate of Bacan. One of the reasons that attract tourists to visit this palace is to see historical objects. Read More >>

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera

5. Mesjid Sultan Bacan (The Mosque of Sultan Bacan)
Mesjid Sultan Bacan is a historical heritage which is adjacent to the Sultanate of Bacan. This mosque was built in 1901, designed by a German architect. Behind the mosque, there is a holy spring that is believed efficacious for health, which becomes the main attraction of this place. Read More >>

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Kekunaan
6. Fort Barneveld
Fort Barneveld is a heritage of Portuguese and Dutch, located in Amasing Kota. From the top of the fort, you can see the beach and township residents as well as other panoramic beauty. In addition, in this fort we can also see a hundreds-year-old cannon. Read More >>

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Kekunaan
7. Wildlife Sanctuary of Mount Sibela
Mount Sibela is designated as a wildlife sanctuary in 1987 with an area of 23,024 hectares. Mount Sibela  is one of the highest mountain in North Maluku with a height of 2,118 meters above sea level. In this sanctuary, you will find a variety of flora and fauna. For those who like climbing, the summit of Mount Sibela is difficult to overcome that will challenge you to conquer this mountain. Read More >>

Wildlife Sanctuary Mount Sibela - 17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera

8. Swering Labuha (Labuha Seaside)
Late in the afternoon, Swering (seaside) near Labuha market is crowded by locals and tourists. In the Swering, there are many stalls and you can enjoy the typical culinary of Halmahera. The location is also very suitable to enjoy the beauty of the beach and sunset.

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera

9. Amasing Waterfall

Amasing Waterfall is located in the area of Amasing Kali. The flow of this waterfall is quite weak. If you want to visit this site, You must trekking  in the tropical rain forest and walk along the river that will be an unforgettable experience. Surely, you will enjoy the natural scenery in this area during the trip to the waterfall.

Waterfall - 17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Foto Adelia Ratnadita
10. Panamboang Beach
Panamboang beach is located in Panamboang Village, South Bacan Sub-district. In certain months, the beach is very quiet and the water becomes clear like a swimming pool. When you play on this beach, you can also witness the making of wooden boats on this beach.

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Adelia Ratnadita
11. Mandaong Beach
Mandaong beach in Mandawong (Mandaong) Village, South Bacan Sub-district. This beach is perfect for enjoying the beautiful sunset. In Mandaong Village, there is also a Gardu Pandang Mandaong (Viewing Post), but not well maintained and not widely known by the locals. However, the view from the top of the viewing post is incredible, you can see a very beautiful landscape.

17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Andaruintan & Akamarullah
12. Pasir Putih Wayaua (Wayaua White Sand)
Pasir Putih Wayaua (Wayaua White Sand) is located on Wayaua Village, Southeast Bacan Sub-district. The white sand and crystal clear water along with hilly landscape of Bacan Island will make you enchanted by the beauty of Pasir Putih Wayaua. You can go here by public transportation in form of 4 WD (Wheel Drivecar from Labuha, with quite difficult terrain. That car is only scheduled once a day, at 2.00 pm local time from Labuha and at 07.00 am local time from Wayaua. You can also go to this location by speedboat from Port Labuha to Songa and then continuing by ojek (motorcycle taxi) or another speedboat. For more comfortable trip, you can also rent a speedboat.

White Sand - 17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Adelnadita
13. Bibinoi Waterfall
Bibinoi Waterfall is located in Bibinoi Village, Middle East Bacan Sub-district. Bibinoi Village is still on Bacan Island, however there is no overland access to this location, so you have to go by speedboat for about 30 minutes. After that, You have to go trekking to the waterfall. There are two locations of this waterfall with only 10 minutes travel time. The trekking to this waterfall can take time about 2-3 hours or about 5 km. It is better to hire a local guide to accompany you. In rainy seasons, The access will be muddy and more difficult. During trekking, you also have to walk along some rivers. Water play in Bibinoi Waterfall is a good choice because the water is very clear and refreshing which make it an unforgettable moment.

Waterfall - 17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Photo Henry Wicaksono (Dua Lokasi Air Terjun Bibinoi)
14. Air Mata Belanda (The Dutch Tears)
Air Mata Belanda (The Dutch Tears) is a semi vertical cascade located in a river in Bacan Island. It has very clear water and made us linger to water play in this place. The beautiful view in Air Mata Belanda, the sound of the stream and its calm atmosphere are an unforgettable moment you will experience in this place. There is also a legend which makes this place called The Dutch Tears. Read More >>

The Dutch Tears - 17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Foto Erfan Nasrullah
15. Telaga Nusa (Lake Nusa)
Telaga Nusa (Lake Nusa) is located in Sayoang Village, East Bacan Sub-district. The distance between Sayoang VIllage and Telaga Nusa is about 4 km. The scenery of the beautiful nature here will sooth you. There are many tilapia fish in Telaga Nusa, so it is suitable for fishing.

Lake - 17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Griya Wisata
17. Gandasuli Waterfall
Gandasuli Waterfall is located in Labuha. This waterfall has its own beauty compared to other waterfalls in Bacan Island.

Waterfall - 17 Attractions in BACAN ISLAND - South Halmahera
Source: Foto Nabhan Affla

Accommodation available in Bacan Island is located in Labuha City, such as Hotel Buana Lipu and Palm Hotel. In other area, there are home stayIn addition, there is a resort in Nusa Ra beach, however it is not well maintained.

Access to Bacan Island
In Bacan Island, there is an airport named Oesman Sadik Airport which located in Labuha CIty. However, direct flights available at this moment are only from Ternate and other near islands. The flights are not scheduled every day, so you need to check first on flight agents. The distance from the airport to the city center of Labuha is only about 4 km.

For another option, you can fly to Ternate first, from Jakarta, Makassar, Ambon, and Manado with direct flights. Then, you can continue by ferry from Port Bastiong crossing to Bacan Island, for about 8 hours. The ferry is only available at 8.00 pm and only operated 3 times a week. With this option, you can also walk around and enjoying the beauty of Ternate City while waiting the ferry.

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