North Maluku Province - Tourist Attractions in "Spice Islands"


North Maluku Province is usually abbreviated as "Malut" (Maluku Utara). It is also known as the "Spice Islands", consists of 395 large and small islands. The number of the inhabited islands are 64 pieces, while the rest is uninhabited. The capital city of North Maluku province is Sofifi since August 4, 2010. Previously, Ternate, as the largest city of the province, became the temporary capital for 11 years while waiting for the completion of infrastructure in Sofifi. Malut has plenty of tourist destinations. So when you visit this province, make sure you take time to go to the attractions.

Here is the attractions in Malut based on the District and City you may visit. For more details, you can click on the links below.

1. Ternate City

Ternate is a city of islands which has an area of 547.736 km�, with 8 islands, consist of: Ternate Island, Hiri Island, Moti Island, Mayau Island, Tifure Island, Thus Island, Mano Island and Gurida Island. There are many interesting attractions in Ternate. Read More >>

2. Tidore (Soasiu Islands)
Tidore is famous because of its cloves and nutmegs since the colonial era long time ago. The first Europeans who came to Tidore are Spanish sailors in 1512. Tidore also became a struggle by the Portuguese and the Dutch in the past. This island is rich of historical and cultural heritage along with its marine which are very attractive for tourism. Read More >>

3. West Halmahera Regency (Jailolo)
West Halmahera (Halmahera Barat) is famous for its richness of spices and cultural properties, in both land and sea, which are fascinating for local and foreign tourists. Read More >>

4. Central Halmahera Regency (Weda)
Central Halmahera (Halmahera Tengah) is located on Halmahera Island and has 37 small islands which only two islands are inhabited: Gebe Island and Yoi Island. This regency is dominated by natural and marine attractions. The diversity and the uniqueness of its flora and fauna, both at sea and forest, become the main attractions of Central Halmahera. Read More >>

Provinsi Maluku Utara - Berbagai Objek Wisata di "Spice Islands"

5. North Halmahera Regency (Tobelo)
There are many attractions can be found in North Halmahera. The panorama of white sand coast, enchanting marine parks, a stretch of islands, biodiversity and many other unexploited natural beauty. Besides, North Halmahera is also the location of World War II nostalgia which is strategic at that time. Several war relics, such as artillery cannons, carcasses of warships, amphibious vehicles, runways and bunkers can still be found in this region. Read More >>

Tempat Wisata HALMAHERA UTARA yang Wajib Dikunjungi (Provinsi Maluku Utara)

6. South Halmahera Regency (Labuha)
Attractions in South Halmahera is inseparable from the history of the Sultanate of North Maluku. There are several historical objects such as the Palace, Mosque, the crown of Sultan, the defense fortress of the Portuguese and Dutch heritage. In addition, South Halmahera is also famous for its nature and marine. The diversity of flora and fauna also colors South Halmahera Regency. Read More >>

Tempat Wisata HALMAHERA SELATAN yang Wajib Dikunjungi (Provinsi Maluku Utara)

7. East Halmahera Regency (Maba)
East Halmahera regency was formerly the basis of Sultan Nuku of Tidore Sultanate when struggling against the Netherlands. At that time, Maba became the central basis. Moreover, during World War II, this regency was one of Japanese army post so until now you can still find several historical objects. East Halmahera is not only famous for historical sights, but also has a variety of natural and marine attractions which will make you tempted to explore this regency. Read More >>

Tempat Wisata HALMAHERA TIMUR yang Wajib Dikunjungi (Provinsi Maluku Utara)

8. Sula Islands Regency (Sanana)
Sula Islands is located in the southern most of North Maluku. The distance from Ternate to Sanana is around 284 km that can be reached by air and sea. The long journey to Sula Islands does not restrict the interest of foreign tourists to visit this area because it is rich with natural, marine, history, art and culture attractions. Read More >>

9. Morotai Island Regency (Daruba)

Morotai Island regency is located in the most northern part of North Maluku province. This island is famous for marine, natural and historic tourism, so no wonder this area is attracting both local and foreign tourists to travel in this island. Morotai Island is increasingly popular because of the local government program "Sail Morotai" in 2012. Read More >>

10. Taliabu Island Regency (Bobong)

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