Diving Spots in North Halmahera - North Maluku province

Diving Spots in North Halmahera - North Maluku province

Halmahera Island is located between Lembeh Strait and Raja Ampat Islands, coincide at the center of Coral Triangle. Located in between Manado and Raja Ampat who had already popular as diving paradise, Halmahera also has the potential to become the next dive paradise. Halmahera Island is the largest island in North Maluku province.

Diving Spots in North Halmahera - North Maluku province
Source: www.panda.org

The Richest Biodiversity in the World!
The well-maintained natural beauty, in both above and under water, really makes Halmahera beyond compare. The diving lovers recognized that diving in Halmahera is the best dives they ever did. Halmahera Island also has a high level of biodiversity. According to the research conducted by Conservation International, it is indicated that the northern part of Indonesia, from Sulawesi to the western part of Papua, may have the richest marine biodiversity in the world. The coral researchers noted that there are 450 species of corals, which means more than half of total species of corals in the world, or about 56% was recorded only in the waters around Halmahera. The fish researchers also recorded around 686 fish species, including two new species, which is 12 percent of total world fish species and 31 percent of the total number ever recorded are in the waters of Halmahera.

The diversity is not only in fish and corals species, but also in its geology. This indicates that the characteristics of the diving spots here are also very diverse. As the center of world coral triangle, diving in Halmahera is certainly promising a unique experience that is unforgettable for you.

North Halmahera 
For diving locations in North Halmahera, there are 50 spots recorded. The spots are scattered in the waters of Tobelo Islands (Laut Halmahera / Halmahera Sea) and in the waters of the North Loloda Islands (Laut Maluku/Moluccas Sea).

Diving Spots in North Halmahera - North Maluku province
Source: Pemda Halmahera Utara
Diving Seasons
The best time to dive is from October to May, while between June and September diving is also possible with fairly good visibility. The rainy season usually lasts in December to April. However, you should check the weather forecast in advance.

Diving Center
Diving Center in Kakara Island, which is about 10 minutes from Tobelo harbour by motorized boat (ketinting) or speedboat, is the only place in North Halmahera which provides dive gear. However, this diving center is not open every day, so you should first contact the staff of Tourist Information Center or the Department of Tourism and Culture.

Diving Operator
If you need a service to the best diving spots then you can contact Halmahera Tour which is the only dive operator in North Halmahera. Halmahera Tour also has a special program for the novice divers. For more details, you can visit the website www.halmahera-tour.com.

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